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Backed by over 22 years Professionally Helping Couples!
Healing After An Affair
You can rebuild TRUST and LOVE! Cheating or an Affair just rips your heart and soul apart! You can’t breathe, eat, sleep. I fully understand! There are so many damaging myths about this, please let me help you heal and rekindle the trust, loyalty and love you once shared!
❤️ Reconnecting Stronger, Deeper, Authentically, and Intentionally
❤️ Learning 3 elements that need to be in place to start the healing
❤️ Understanding the stages you are in: from Crisis Mode to the Healing Stage
❤️ Possible Causes and Kinds of Affairs (never to be condoned or excused for cheating)
❤️ Staying away from the Myths and learning the reality can rebuild your love
❤️ Understanding The “Three Couples of Affairs” to increase trust and loyalty
❤️ Tools that bond a Recommittment to the Relationship
❤️ The importance of Accountability in healing
❤️ Reaffirming the Trust Building and What Actually Helps!
❤️ Heal the residuals of cheating: embarrassment, depression, grief, guilt, uncertainty….
❤️ Reconnecting Deeper, Stronger, Authentically, and Intentionally in your relationship or marriage.