Counseling & Coaching Services

Couples & Marriage Counseling and Coaching:
Greg's passion is helping couples become more emotionally and physically connected than they have ever imagined! This is provided in person in my metro detroit office, or virtually.
True, no relationship is perfect, though you will have a deeper intimacy on the levels you’ve always craved: Mind, Body, Heart & Soul!
Plus, I work quickly and get to the root of your challenges immediately!
I help with a down-to-earth attitude, while providing care, compassion and profound results! You will always be more than just a “client!“ My clients are my passion and utmost concern! Plus, I’ll never use a “one-size-fits-all“ approach like many others practice! Each couples & family relationship and each individual is unique and should be help as such!
Greg work swith a wide variety of couple dynamics and do dating couples counseling as well: Heterosexual, Bi-racial, same-sex, bi-sexual, plus other “non-traditional“ couples counseling.
Married, living together, or even dating – I can help you become closer and more connected than you thought possible!
He also is passioniate in helping you rebuild and keep the desire, respect, love, plus feeling valued and important in your relationship through his couples therapy and/or coaching!
Greg does accept some medical insurance plans

Sex Counseling and Education
Greg is a sexual health specialist and caters to both couples and individuals enduring sexual health concerns & sexual difficulties such as:
Low or inhibited sexual desire/interest
Erectile Difficulties
Early Ejaculation
Performance Anxieties (fears about sex, one’s ability, taboos, beliefs, values)
Body Image (too thin or large; penis size; breast size; deformations)
Orgasmic difficulties (preorgasmic primary and secondary)
Dyspareunia (vaginal pain during intercourse)
Vaginismus (tightening or contractions of the vaginal walls/areas)
Traumatic events (former or current rape, abuse, molestation, incest)
Sexual Incompatibility

Self-Esteem and Self-Worth:
We all have times when we lack confidence and don’t feel good about ourselves. But when low self-esteem becomes a long-term problem, it can have a harmful effect on our mental health and our lives.
Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves. When we have healthy self-esteem, we tend to feel positive about ourselves and about life in general. It makes us able to deal with life’s ups and downs better.
When our self-esteem is low, we tend to see ourselves and our life in a more negative and critical light. We also feel less able to take on the challenges life throws at us. Living with low self-esteem can harm your mental health, leading to problems such as depression and anxiety.

Coping and Trauma:
Grief counseling is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help people cope with grief and mourning following the death of loved ones, or with major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (e.g., divorce, or job loss).
Grief counselors believe that everyone experiences and expresses grief in their own way, often shaped by culture.
Trauma is often conjoined with PTSD, with enduring symptoms of nightmares, triggers, emotional breakdown, depression, anxiety, panic, and flashbacks of the traumatic event or events.
Remember, not all sad life events are traumatic. Traumatic events are subject based on the individual or circumstances.
Often, our brain and psyche attempt to protect us, our brain, and our emotions from a traumatic event. Often times you hear of people “not remembering” “blacking out,” or “playing with her puppy” as the trauma was occurring. These are dissociations where the psyche is trying to protect you.
However, our sensory memory remembers these events: what we heard, smelled, saw, felt/touched, and tasted. There needs to be a release of these sensory memories in order to help heal and reduce the traumatic pain and its symptoms.
Examples of trauma are below, and these can be chronic, long-lasting and gripping depending if proper help is sought:
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Physical Abuse
Car Accident
First Responder witnessing
Witnessing a murder, rape, death
Loss of loved one or pet
Being cheated on
Please note, this list only notes examples, as there are additional traumatic events.

Life Transitions:
Adapting to change can be hard, as even beneficial life transitions tend to cause some stress. Throughout a persons life one can expect to experience a significant amount of change.
Some of these changes, such as marriages, births, and new jobs, are generally positive, although they may be accompanied by their own unique stressors.
Other major life transitions, such as moving, retirement, or entering the “empty nest” phase of life may cause a significant amount of stress.
Those who find themselves experiencing difficulty coping with life transitions may find it helpful to speak to a therapist in order to become better able to adjust to changes they cannot control.