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Healing After An Affair

  • 2 Steps


You can rebuild TRUST and LOVE! Cheating or an Affair just rips your heart and soul apart! You can’t breathe, eat, sleep. I fully understand! There are so many damaging myths about this, please let me help you heal and rekindle the trust, loyalty and love you once shared! ❤️ Reconnecting Stronger, Deeper, Authentically, and Intentionally ❤️ Learning 3 elements that need to be in place to start the healing ❤️ Understanding the stages you are in: from Crisis Mode to the Healing Stage ❤️ Possible Causes and Kinds of Affairs (never to be condoned or excused for cheating) ❤️ Staying away from the Myths and learning the reality can rebuild your love ❤️ Understanding The “Three Couples of Affairs” to increase trust and loyalty ❤️ Tools that bond a Recommittment to the Relationship ❤️ The importance of Accountability in healing ❤️ Reaffirming the Trust Building and What Actually Helps! ❤️ Heal the residuals of cheating: embarrassment, depression, grief, guilt, uncertainty…. ❤️ Reconnecting Deeper, Stronger, Authentically, and Intentionally in your relationship or marriage.

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